Hello Tualatin Soccer Club Families,
Tualatin Soccer Club is a locally based, volunteer only, recreationally focused, Soccer Club. Our purpose and commitment is to provide the local community with the opportunity to play soccer at whatever level a player or coach chooses to participate in. In Oregon, there are 2 viable levels of play opportunities for players and coaches to participate in. One is competitive and one is Recreational. Recreational Soccer (also known as grassroots) is focused on learning, equal playing time, having fun, and shorter durations. Competitive is focused on building players, a longer season, and a path to higher levels of play that cannot be reached in recreational soccer. Within these two basic categories are many levels of play and many variables that affect the level a player or coach can reach within their soccer career. So, while the Tualatin Soccer Club maintains and administers a recreational program the club works with other agencies to provide services and opportunities in programs that are at every viable level. Our focus is on the Tualatin Community and its members.
While the Tualatin Soccer Club does operate recreational programs we advocate at many levels throughout the state for every level of play. Tualatin Soccer Club is not interested in managing the operational details in the competitive sphere but we are here to ensure that our local players, families, and coaches are able to access those opportunities. We build relationships with clubs, leagues, and vendors to provide a variety of opportunities at many levels of play. All of this is to ensure local kids and families have access to the opportunities that can come from a good experience at every level of play. The soccer landscape in Oregon can be volatile just like any other industry. Things change and as such the Tualatin Soccer Club changes. We try to keep things as stable as possible but sometimes a program or vendor is just not working the way we had hoped. As a Club, we are committed to allowing the evolution of soccer in the area in order to provide opportunities for our local community to participate in those opportunities.
Many opportunities to partner with outside agencies have been brought to us and we always consider them. But unless there is a definite benefit to our local community (not necessarily the outside agency or club or clinic, etc...) we do not entertain the partnership. Several agencies have tried to "take over" or move into the area or take advantage of a very favorable local community that loves their sports. Rest assured we are here to help you in making those sporting decisions and to make sure our community has the opportunities to participate in Soccer at any level. As an all-volunteer organization, we do not take any personal profit and everything we have is focused on going back into the community.
On this page, you will find the local opportunities for competitive play that we have access to at any given time. These opportunities will change as we evolve and as Soccer in the area evolves. We are not here to make those decisions for you but to help and give you the information and experience we have with the Soccer community in Oregon. We are not unbiased but will give information about opportunities that we believe benefit the local community over the agency or individual providing the service. We believe that a well-informed family can make the choice that is best for themselves even if that is not the same for every family.
So have a look at the opportunities we are currently aware of. If you have further questions we do not have a competitive soccer advocate yet but you can email me at [email protected]. I will do what I can to get you the info you need or get you in contact with someone that has more information.
As always, we wish you the best of luck in Soccer!
Trevor Owens
Tualatin Soccer Club